
Thursday, June 19, 2014

Factors To Consider When Setting Up An Office Based Mobile Anesthesia Practice

The rise of office-based surgery has indeed provided a great opportunity for anesthesiologists to expand their roles as perioperative physicians. But then, anesthesiologists who would want to set up an office based mobile anesthesia practice must have the necessary education as well as skills.

Other Important Considerations

Qualifications Of The Staff – As mentioned earlier, every health professional wanting to enter into this practice must have the required knowledge and skills to accommodate the demands of different patients.  They must have the needed certificates and license to be able practice. Most important, they must only perform jobs that are within their scope of practice to ensure patient safety. Apart from that, they must be accommodating and friendly. 

Equipment – The office must have the capability to deliver positive pressure ventilation with an ambu-bag or an anesthesia machine. There must be a reliable source of oxygen and suction. It must also have a computerized system that can track usage of medications as well as supplies. This system also can alert you if items must be re-stocked to ensure that the cart always contains all the necessary medications and supplies.
Indeed, through the expansion of medical and administrative skill and knowledge, patient safety and satisfaction can be ensured. Milky Way Mobile Anesthesia provides more information regarding office based mobile anesthesia practice.