A simple muscle tension from everyday activities could be a common cause for neck pain. Twisting your neck, working or bending on your desk for a long time can bring the discomfort. When experiencing neck pain, the natural way of relieving it is your best option. While treatments will vary depending on what causes the pain, you can be able to find relief with the methods suggested below.
- Grab heat or ice packs. Apply an ice pack for several minutes then use the heat pads. This is the recommended natural pain relief for the first 48 to 72 hours.
- Enjoy the rejuvenating effects of a neck pillow. Make sure to sleep on a firm mattress.
- Temporarily stop usual activities that may aggravate the pain. Avoid strenuous exercise or sports as you calm down the symptoms and the inflammation.
- Reduce stress as it can induce pain. Learn some relaxation techniques and practice them.
- Take a break from your computer and do some neck stretching.
The process starts with a thorough physical and neurological exam. Your chiropractor will check your physical condition including your medical history. Range of motion, posture, and movement will be observed to note the cause of your pain. In some cases, they will require you to undergo some tests. After the collection of data is done, a treatment plan is created.
Consulting with Roxburgh Park chiropractors will give you a holistic approach of treatment. Costly surgery as well as medications that may bring side effects is avoided. Giving attention to these worrying matters after all will add stress that may induce more pain in your neck. With the treatment plan designed in chiropractic care, you will reduce pain as your range in motion is restored through cervical manipulation. Most likely the plan may include rehabilitative exercises and massages.
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